Surgical installation and minimally invasive for safety and comfort.
Includes double balloon band for greater stability and efficiency. Up to 68% of excess weight lost after 5 years of implantation.
Obesity presents a significant health risk and impacts the quality of a patient’s life. As a minimally invasive, biocompatible, reversible and atraumatic medical implant, HELIOGAST® HAGA guarantees safe and effective treatment for obesity.
Surgical and minimally invasive
Implanted in less than an hour via laparoscopic guidance
Safety and comfort
Low-pressure inflatable cuff (<0.1bar) with an atraumatic surface
Double balloon band
Inflated to 10cc, ensures greater stability and less risk of erosion
Easy to insert
Shape memory band
Extractable by laparoscopy
Innovative ports
Three unique and patented implantable inflation ports. Surfaces are covered in silicone for patient comfort. A cylindrical port with 360° accessibility enables injection by needle and avoids fixation of the site whilst minimising the risk of roll-over.
Gastroplasty surgery to treat obesity is considered only after medically managed diets have failed to achieve long-term weight loss. It is important for the success of the treatment that the use of the adjustable HELIOGAST® HAGA band is accompanied by dietetic and medical monitoring.
Obesity with comorbidities (BMI 35-40)
Threatening vital functions. Prognosis: cardio-respiratory impairment, incapacitating osteo-articular impairment, serious metabolic disorders if not controlled by intensive treatment etc.
Morbid Obesity (IMC > 40)
Resistant to medical treatments and exposing the patient to the risk of major complications if not controlled by intensive treatment.
Placed around the stomach, the adjustable HELIOGAST® HAGA band allows the quantity of food absorbed to be regulated. The patient gets a feeling of satiety quickly therefore the patient eats less and loses weight.
68% of excess weight lost after 5 years of implantation of the adjustable HELIOGAST® HAGA band.
Low rate of complications after implantation of the adjustable HELIOGAST® HAGA band.
Eating Habits
Change of eating habits by learning to eat slowly (food passage being reduced by the band) and in reasonable quantities.
Range of use

Excess weight loss (%)
After implantation of the adjustable HELIOGAST® HAGA band1

HSI large Port
1 Six years’ experience with adjustable gastric band. Analysis of 1,582 cases – 41 tonnes of weight loss, N. Sikas – Poster from IFSO XV World Congress – Los Angeles, USA – 2010 – Published in: Obesity Surgery, 2010, volume 20, number 8, pages 969-1077.
Results From a French Prospective Multicentric Study of Heliogast® Adjustable Gastric Band, S. Msika – Oral presentation XIV World Congress – Paris, France – 2009 – Published in: Obesity Surgery, 209 Volume 19, Number 8, Pages 953-1076.
The Gastric Band: Tricks And Tips To Achieve Satisfactory EWL% And Low Percentage Of Complications, F. Bellini – Oral Presentation IFSO XV World Congress – Los Angeles, USA – 2010 – Published in: Obesity Surgery, 2010, volume 20, number 8 pages 969-1077.